Siegel understands from personal experience that hard work leads to success. Every child should succeed, but the harsh reality is that some children and teenagers will never have the opportunities to investigate their full potential based on hardship or limitations in their lives. Whether the restriction is based on financial hardship, lack of parental support or general logistical issues, we plan to support the youth of our community with several levels of scholarships and to give back to those participants who show potential, dedication, passion and perseverance. These scholarships will range from tuition at the Rev Racing Motorsports Academy to college tuition assistance. Each circumstance will be evaluated independently. Please use our contact form to get more information on scholarship/internship opportunities. 

We place a large focus on creating future career opportunities. Our internship program will be created to not only educate and prepare these participants for the professional world, but provide access into some of the most successful businesses and corporations in the nation. The knowledge and exposure we hope to provide to these children and teenagers will make them an asset to any industry as their career and professional aspirations grow.

If you are interested in an opportunity to be an intern, please submit a one page document with a brief history about yourself and why you would like to be selected. Email this document to [email protected].